Can you legally avoid a sobriety checkpoint?

Sobriety checkpoints, or DUI checkpoints, exist as spots along a highway in which an officer can pull over any car that passes through if they suspect the driver of driving intoxicated. These checkpoints have clear markings which should in theory make them easy to...

Is your drinking becoming a problem?

You may believe that the signs of alcohol abuse are apparent and that you do not have a problem. While there is no single indicator that your alcohol use is excessive, some signs point in that direction. Alcohol use disorder may occur when an emotional or physical...

What is an alcohol use disorder?

Many people suffer from an alcohol use disorder. According to Mayo Clinic, alcohol use disorder involves trouble controlling drinking. If you feel your drinking caused significant issues, such as DUI charges, you may need to consider treatment for an alcohol use...

License suspension penalties for DUI in Minnesota

Minnesota motorists can receive license suspensions for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI). The length of the suspension depends on prior offenses, blood alcohol content and other factors. Review the facts about DUI license suspension in Minnesota...

What are implied consent laws?

When pulled over by an officer on suspicion of driving under the influence, they will likely attempt to administer a blood alcohol content (BAC) detection test. Breath analysis tests serve as one of the most common. Some drivers may feel tempted to say no or refuse to...

Factors that may impact breath test accuracy

When a Minnesota law enforcement officer stops your car and asks you to take a breath test, quite a bit hangs in the balance. The results of your breath test may determine whether you wind up facing a charge of driving while intoxicated, which carries substantial...

What are field sobriety tests?

If you fall under officer suspicion of a DUI during a routine traffic stop, you will likely have to do a form of sobriety testing. Though breath and blood analysis tests get the most attention in the media, they are not likely the tests you will face first. Instead,...

How does a DUI impact your college future?

Getting a DUI charge as a college student might have more of an impact than you expect. You want to avoid a conviction at all costs. After all, you could face more than just a fine or community service. But how can a DUI conviction impact your college future? What are...