What are forms of aggressive driving?

On Behalf of | Jun 16, 2022 | Uncategorized |

Aggressive driving actually serves as a bigger safety issue than many people may think. Not only does it endanger other drivers on the road, but it actually includes numerous offenses that an officer can pull a person over for.

It is important to understand what driving actions and behaviors fall under the umbrella term “aggressive driving”. This can allow drivers to better avoid them.

Habitual aggression

Gauge Magazine looks at different types of aggressive drivers. They divide these drivers into three categories: habitually aggressive drivers, situationally aggressive drivers and confrontationally aggressive drivers.

Habitually aggressive drivers often want to show off what their vehicles can do. Maybe they have improved aerodynamics or high horsepower. They may brake suddenly, spin their tires or accelerate quickly to show off. Over time, they may develop bad habits like changing lanes often or following other cars too closely.

Situational aggression

Situationally aggressive drivers will often react to specific scenarios where they are usually under a time crunch to get somewhere. They will often eschew waiting to turn, stopping at stop signs, yielding at right-of-ways, or slowing down at yellow lights. Such drivers could speed in school or construction zones and may turn into a crosswalk with people still in it.

Confrontational aggression

Confrontationally aggressive drivers often feel as though the rules of the road do not apply to them. They may engage in competitive driving and will often act unpredictably because they expect other people to adhere to the road rules, thus sparing them from any risk or consequence.

Any form of aggressive driving has the potential to land a driver and others in a serious crash, though. This is why drivers should take care to avoid aggressive driving by using safe practices and following the rules of the road.