Month: November 2019

DWI penalties in Minnesota

Motorists in Minnesota can receive a charge of driving while intoxicated if law enforcement pulls them over and detects blood alcohol content of more than 0.08%. A conviction will result in both criminal and administrative penalties.  Before facing a state DWI charge...

What is the Age of Consent in Minnesota?

Getting charged with a sex crime in Minnesota is a big deal. Even if the allegations are false, the social consequences can be long-lasting. One of the best ways to ensure that you do not fall afoul of any variety of sex crime is to be aware of the age of your...

Understanding what factors may trigger your anger

If you have been charged with a domestic violence crime in Minnesota, you may be reeling with anger, frustration and hopelessness at the thought of the allegations that have been made against you. At Baurer Law Office, we understand the ongoing challenge that people...