Woman faces criminal charges after Minnesota incident

by | Mar 15, 2018 | Criminal Defense, Firm News |

People act a certain way for a variety of different reasons. Often, behavior is driven by a chemical imbalance, making it necessary to determine if there may be some physiological reason for a behavior, especially if it results in criminal charges. Unfortunately, police in Minnesota report that a woman recently ordered a police officer to shoot her before trying to take his gun.

The incident reportedly happened one afternoon on a day in March. A state trooper was reportedly stopped on the shoulder of a road when his vehicle was rear-ended by another vehicle. He claims he approached the 47-year-old female driver to ask if she was okay. However, she reportedly ordered him to shoot her.

When he notified her that he would not do so, he alleges she again insisted that he shoot. He further states that she then attempted to take his gun away from him. Reports indicate that he was ultimately able to subdue her with the help of two other men. One witness claims that the driver of the vehicle deliberately swerved to strike the police officer’s car. The woman faces multiple charges, including assault with a dangerous weapon, attempted disarming of a police officer and use of deadly force against a police officer.

Reports following an incident such as this often only detail one side of the story. However, in order for the woman to be convicted of the criminal charges she faces, there must be sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. In order to meet this burden of proof in this Minnesota case, there must be several questions answered, including those regarding the woman’s mental state at the time the officer claims the incident occurred.

Source: CBS Minnesota, “Charges: Woman Hit Trooper’s Car, Told Him To Shoot Her“, March 8, 2018